Senior Related Illnesses

Nourishing the Elderly for Stronger Steps: 4 Vital Nutrients to Counteract Leg Weakness

There’s a myth that as we age, it’s natural for our legs to give in to weakness—perhaps even to the extent that it hampers our capacity to stay active. But Jason, a robust 67-year-old, begs to differ. Despite his lifelong commitment to fitness, he noticed a decline in his lower …

Crawling workout
Senior Life Style

Health Preservation Isn’t Just for Elders: A Global Look at Fitness and Wellness Among the Aging

The concept of health preservation might evoke images of the elderly, yet it has become a popular pursuit among the youth in modern society as well. People from different regions approach wellness in their own unique ways.Let’s dive into the fascinating fitness and wellness rituals of the elderly around the …

Senior Life Style

Secrets of Centenarians: The Remarkable Lifestyle of 103-Year-Old Liang Gengshi

At the impressive age of 103, Liang Gengshi exhibits an astonishing vitality — not only is she none the worse for wear in terms of hearing and sight, but she also communicates with remarkable clarity and possesses an exceptional memory. Her son, the 72-year-old Mr. Liang, recently divulged to reporters …

Senior Life Style

Simple Steps to Reduce Microplastics in Your Drinking Water

Water constitutes a vital component of the human body, serving crucial physiological functions. Sufficient hydration forms the cornerstone of optimal health, fostering regular physical activity and cognitive function. Traditionally, our options for drinking water are abundant, ranging from tap water to bottled water and filtered variants. Concerns regarding tap water …

Senior Mental Health

The Psychological Adjustment of Widowed

John and his wife had been together for 50 years while the wife died suddenly after the Spring Festival last year. He was shocked about her death. He put the old lady’s urn on the table and hung it on the wall with his old companion, which was covered with …

Bitter gourd
Senior Diet

Two Foods Keep Constipation Away from Elderly

Constipation is more common in the elderly population. Most older people will experience constipation more or less, seriously affecting the quality of life of the elderly and making them suffer. The reasons for causing constipation are also complicated. Here we list several common causes of constipation. 1. the lack of …

Senior Life Style

Blackish Facial Patch from Chinese Medicine Perspective:Causes and Treatments

Freckle on the face is the inevitable worry of middle-aged and old women. In hot summer, even if it is not easy to grow freckle physique, excessive exposure to the sun will inevitably grow spots after all. No matter freckle, liver spot, all spots are associated with increased melanin and …

Senior Related Illnesses

Rehabilitation Training

The elderly are very prone to fracture, which not only causes pain to the patients themselves but also brings a lot of inconvenience to the patients’ family members and increases the burden on the family. A lot of trouble can be avoided if people with fractures recover early. Doctors would …

Senior Life Style

Keep Your Hair Young Using These Three Tips

Like skin, hair can also get old as you age. Hair can turn white, and fray at the ends, so combing your hair properly is very important. First, you must buy a good comb There are many different types of combs. Getting a comb made of certain materials can improve your …

Senior Diet

High Blood Pressure Patient’s Diet

Salt is one of the most important substances for human survival and a necessity of life. Salt is very important to the human body. The main component of salt is sodium chloride. The physiological function of sodium and chlorine ions is to maintain the osmotic pressure of an extracellular fluid. …