What are the differences between white rice, embryo rice, brown rice and sprouted rice?

White rice, germ rice, brown rice, germinating rice, these are familiar to us, but where is the difference? The delicious white rice is almost the staple food on the family table, but do you know that it has almost only starch? What are the differences between brown rice, germinal rice and germination rice due to different processing degree? Let’s make it clear at once!

Rice, based on the degree of whiteness from more to less, can be divided into white rice, germ rice, brown rice, and germination rice with brown rice. The processing and nutrition ingredients are as follows:

white rice

  • The rice hulls, chaff layer, and germ were crushed.
  • Almost all of the nutrients are left with starch.

germ rice

  • The rice is removed from the shell, and the chaff is crushed, but the germ is preserved.
  • Compare to white rice, it has a germ, so also more fat, protein and dietary fiber.

brown rice

  • Rice is only treated by the husk.
  • Compared to white rice, it has bran layer, so there is more protein, fat, vitamin B, vitamin E, fiber, dietary fiber, and minerals.

germinated rice

  • After a shoot, brown rice is called germinated rice.
  • It’s about the same as brown rice, but it’s a little bit less starchy than brown rice and more protein. It has more protein, fat, vitamin B, vitamin E, fiber, dietary fiber and minerals than the germ rice.


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